
In December 2015 I distributed single-use cameras to refugees I met in Izmir, Lesbos, Athens and Idomeni.
3 months later, 7 out of 15 cameras came back in their prepared envelopes: 1 camera got lost, 2 got confiscated by the border authorities and another 2 are still in Izmir, because the refugees failed to reach the shores of a greek island. 3 other cameras and refugees are missing until today.
With this photography project, Kevin tries to give one of the best documented historic events of our time a new perspective – and last but not least the refugees themselves the opportunity to document their own journey through photography. Lets try to see the individual behind the anonymous concept of a “refugee”.

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What is Iraq like today – after decades of war and ongoing IS occupation? What stories are being told by people in the self-governed region of Kurdistan about their past and present, and how do they view the future? How are Iraqis living in other parts of the country, where terror isn’t an everyday occurrence?
These questions are what drew me to northern Iraq in December 2016. I travelled to find answers, and get a glimpse behind the Western world’s often one-sided perspective.

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These Projects are by 100% self-funded.
The expenses for working in difficult regions, planning, post-production, working on a website and many more things, have been several thousand Euros. If you like what I do and want me to realise projects like this in future, please feel free to donate through PayPal and send an amount of your choice.
Thanks for your support!

Theme — Timber
All contents © Kevin McElvaney
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